We are deeply concerned by the Myanmar government and military’s ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya people. We call on Buddhist friends around the world to make our concerns known to all parties in the Union of Myanmar. We have written an appeal to the Myanmar State Sangha Committee to condemn the violence — read the letter and sign the letter.

We further call on the global Buddhist community to give generously to humanitarian organizations providing aid to Rohingya communities. Our dana can say to Rohingya peoples and to the world that the rain of Buddha’s compassion falls on all beings equally.

With Hozan Alan Senauke’s passing, the Buddhist Humanitarian Project is no longer taking donations.

If you would like to contribute to another similar organization aligned with the mission of the Buddhist Humanitarian Project, please consider Hozan Alan’s long time collaborators, the International Network of Engaged Buddhists, based in Thailand. If you want to contribute somewhere and you need your donation to be tax exempt, please consider the US based Buddhist Global Relief, which is headed by a good friend of Hozan Alan’s, Bhikkhu Bodhi.

If you prefer to donate to an organization directly funding Rohingya refugees
and settlements in exile, any of the following nonprofits are reliable:

BRAC is one of the world’s leading nonprofit organizations. They have longstanding relationships in Bangladesh and Myanmar, where they are providing both short-term refugee support as well as long-term community development. In the past year, they have supported more than 600,000 Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Click here to donate to their Rohingya support fund.

Children on the Edge, a charity based in the England, focuses on protecting and supporting children in the refugee camps. Children on the Edge has been working in Rohingya refugee camps for over seven years. Click here for a direct link to their donation page.

International Campaign for the Rohingya is an advocacy group based in Washington, DC. Building a network of Rohingya people and supportive allies, the campaign is focused on Rohingya advocacy at the levels of international organizations, governments, corporations, and civil society. Click here to donate.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) provides protection and support to refugees around the world. Established in 1950, the UNHCR has received two Nobel Peace Prizes for their work. You can donate to support their aid work with Rohingya refugees.

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) works with Rohingya people to provide necessary supplies, including medical care, food, and clean drinking water. UNICEF is headquartered in New York; donations are tax-deductible in the U.S. Click here to donate.

Global Giving is a platform that re-distributes donations to local, credible organizations. Global Giving is registered for tax deductions in the United States and England. Click here to donate to their Rohingya fund.

Thank you for your generosity in supporting the Rohingya people. Every donation provides critical aid — please be as generous as you can; no gift is too small.

The Buddhist Humanitarian Project is an initiative of the Clear View Project, a 501(c)(3) organization based in Berkeley, California. Learn more about the Rohingya crisis and the BHP here, or contact us for more information. You can read our privacy policy here